16-19 Tuition Fund
During the academic year 2023/2024, the College will support these students in small group tuition for English, Maths, and other courses where learning has been disrupted by providing:
- Additional tuition time
- Portfolio or assessment support
- Additional vocational practice and workshop time
- Additional assessment opportunity
- FastTrack learning and ability to undertake resits where applicable
- Additional Success centre time (English and maths) alongside increased support through digital platforms
- Additional support for those whose grades have been severely affected
- Additional one-to-one support time for SEND students who have not been able to access college or online learning in the past six months
Each student will have an individual assessment plan to determine what will be most effective for the student and the resources needed will come from:
- Additional resources for students online, as well as physical resources, that can be used in college or at home
- Additional classes
- Additional hours for existing staff
- Hire of additional workshop space where requirement for assessment
- Relief/ supply staff
- Additional staff for Success Centres
- Additional recruitment of new teachers
- Third party support particularly with SEND students
Given that the majority of students affected are on a vocational path the support is likely to be given on a one-to-one basis; with the exception of English and maths where small groups up to five will be adopted unless studying in the success centre where the student will self-learn with tutor support.