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Bradford College

Students Benefit as Special ‘Bradford Motorsport Engagement Programme’ Ends

David Hockney Building was a hive of motorsport and all things vehicular earlier this week, as the ‘Bradford Motorsport Engagement Programme’ (BMEP) came to a celebratory close.

Since the start of September, around 35 Motor Vehicle students have benefitted from the programme supporting their studies and were invited by facilitators, Driven By Us and Motivez, to a special event at the College to recognise their success – funded by wider partner, Mission 44.

The initiative was designed to ‘inspire and educate the next generation by providing hands-on, engaging workshops and advice on different motorsport career pathways’, as well as ‘providing visible role models so students from all backgrounds can feel represented’. Speaking about the success of the BMEP and the opportunities it’s provided to Bradford College students, Alina Khan (Vice Principal EDI) commented:

“Partnering with Mission 44, Driven By Us and Motivez has been an absolutely fantastic opportunity for the College. Our City has a really diverse population of young people and the interest in both motorsport and supercars is phenomenal. Students have gained valuable insight on how to access a career in this industry, through opportunities such as support with CV writing, networking opportunities and advice on applying to entry level jobs. We’re so excited to see what we can do next as a College through the positive relationships that have formed.”

Various activities were put on for the celebration event, with smiles in abundance, as students enjoyed professional motorsport simulators, the visit of a Lamborghini from Oasis supercar garage and much more, all while being specially filmed by a Sky Sports camera crew!

James Dornor, CEO of Driven By Us, took time to reflect on the event and engagement programme generally, saying: “It’s been a fantastic programme and Bradford College’s students have engaged phenomenally. Working with the College has been superb and the staff have been both cooperative and accessible. Providing opportunities like these is vital to giving people first-hand access into the motor industry, practical experience and the opportunity to work alongside role models. It can give young people goals to work in the industry, whether that’s in a year, five years, ten years or so on. Programmes like this are proof that Bradford College goes above and beyond to provide students with insight into key industries, that might not appear readily available without support.”

Following talks from various key figures across partners in attendance, the event ended with a certificate ceremony and various group photos marking the successful cohort.

The day was made possible thanks to our trailblazing, wider partnership with Sir Lewis Hamilton’s Mission 44, which has successfully focused on delivering opportunities to demographics who may not have previously had these.

All of this work is set to leave a legacy across Bradford for years to come.

Explore our range of Motor Vehicle courses on offer here.

Alternatively, read more about the work of Mission 44, and their various partners, as we work to empower young people to overcome social injustice here.

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