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Bradford College

Glittering Awards Recognise Outstanding Student Achievement

Bradford College celebrates the commitment and achievement of our students this week at the annual Student Awards.

Bradford College celebrated the commitment and achievement of our students this week at the annual Student Awards. 

Students from across every curriculum area, together with their family and friends, received award certificates and trophies in recognition of their outstanding achievements or progression during the current academic year. 

Opened by Alina Khan, Vice Principal for Student Experience, the awards included Student of the Year for each course and then Overall Student, presented by senior curriculum staff.  

Inspirational stories were shared over six award ceremonies at the David Hockney Building on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th July. Here’s the highlights from the two days and details of our winners: 

Tuesday 4th July

Health, Social Care and Early Years

Sameeah Khan won Overall Student for Placement Childcare, for excellent commitment on her placement and gaining great feedback from her assessor. She really took pride in planning activities by creating an obstacle course based on the bear hunt book and used a water effect sheet for the children.

Iqra Mahmood won Overall Student for Placement Health and Social Care for her commitment to her studies and dedication to the service users on placement.  Her goal is to become a nurse.  Iqra has completed several placements and always proved a popular member of every care team she has joined. “She is a delight and has an aura about her which inspires trust”.

Tahreem Butt won Overall Student for Childcare for her passion to meet children’s individual needs, great feedback from her placement assessor and her settings. She is a class rep and has been an excellent voice for her group, showing a confident and mature attitude and great interpersonal skills.

Best Overall Student for Health and Social Care went to Zahraa Islam who not only worked hard academically but she personifies the values needed in the health and social care sector.  She is polite and shows compassion to others.

Over 39 awards were given to Progression to Learning and Work students and students embarking on our 14-16 provision, over the ceremonies later that day.

Wednesday 5th July

Health Sciences, MediTech and Computing

34 students across this curriculum area received awards for Academic Excellence and Greatest Progress.  Highlights included: 

Students like Abu-Bakr Farakh won an award for Academic Excellence. He is studying BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science Year 1 and was acknowledged for the example he sets to other students. His focus and determination are a credit and he is capable of completing complex physics calculations whilst supporting his fellow students.

Construction and Engineering

At the Construction and Engineering awards, 11 students scooped up Student of the Year awards across all courses, with Grace Righall winning Influencer of the Year. 

Grace’s knowledge improved greatly throughout the duration of the year to date, because of this passion, commitment and a natural ability she is progressing to level 2 in September. moShe showed determination to challenge preconceptions around this vocation and has consistently produced work of real quality, striving to work to industry standards and timescales.

Grace Goodison-Fisher won Student of the Year for Motor Vehicle  

“This student is an absolute inspiration to not only her family but all staff and learners at our Motor Vehicle department. She faces complex challenges but does not let them hold her back from reaching her goals. She is an outstanding student and role model to her peers”. 

Zubayr Khan, Level 3 Construction Management, won Future Leader Award for his commitment to learning which is infectious and has inspired the cohort around him, resulting in not one, but two offers of employment in the construction industry. 

Leon Donoghue scooped the Award for Most Committed Student for their attendance on the BTEC Level 3 in the Built Environment. He completed a full week of work placement with course sponsors Willmott Dixon up at the West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue’s HQ and is due to complete a further placement with Sewell over the Summer.

Bradford School of Art

Over 12 awards were issued by the Bradford School of Art across Art and Design, Music, Creative Media Production, Performing Arts, and Media Make Up.  Awards included Progress Made, Overall Commitment to learning and Student of the Year.

Music Student of the Year award went to Leoni Conway (pictured left), who is an independent learner, a talented pianist and a music producer. She has developed as a performer, musician and event manager and single-handedly organised the music showcase at college. Her independence, talent and commitment is the perfect foundation for progressing into higher education.

Professional Services and Leisure

Students across this provision received 15 Shining Star awards.

Learners of the Year Awards went to Taai Barrett who really applied himself to the course, he has never missed a deadline and has really worked hard to achieve the grade he has achieved. He took part in extra work experience with Yorkshire Building Society and achieved his AQA qualification.  

Lewaan Baban won Overall HOD award – he joined Level 3 Business in 2021.  Moving from North Huddersfield Trust, Lewaan struggled with her academic writing at the start but achieved a Merit in her management exam, leading to distinction level over the next few months which has resulted in her accepting a place at the University of Westminster. 

Gary Bradwell, Curriculum Area Manager, proudly handed the Learner of the Year Award to Roxanne Istrate who is a Level 2 Travel and Tourism student, for her resilience and willingness to help other students. “She is always positive, motivating, and encouraging. She really pushed herself to achieve distinction grades”.  

Furkan Uddin, Head of Department told us “I am so proud of the efforts our staff make each and every day to transform the lives of our amazing students. Hearing these amazing journeys is a constant reminder of why we do what we do. You should all be very proud of yourselves as we are very proud of you and what you have achieved”. 

Adult and Community

16 awards were distributed to students undertaking our community course provision with five students winning Student of the Year, three winning Overall Stars and four Head of Department special recognition awards given out. 

The College of Sanctuary Award went to Cynthia Utlwang who is a Botswanan refugee, separated from her son when she had to flee her country. Cynthia is now living in a women’s hostel in Bradford and with mental health support, she has completed a full ESOL Level 1 qualification, GCSE Math’s and an introductory Nail Technician course at Bradford College as the first steps in her journey to a new life and career. 

Duncan Burnett told us “Cynthia is a cheerful, positive and highly motivated learner who is always keen to support her classmates. Her attendance and punctuality are both excellent. Cynthia deserves this award for the resilience she has shown in overcoming adversity, and the commitment and dedication she has brought to her studies”.

Apprenticeship Awards

15 awards were given across the Apprenticeships provision which awarded Customer Service Apprentice of the Year to Alisha Fearn, Management Apprentice of the Year awarded to Emma Brown amongst others.

Nicola Burgess, Manager of Stable Court Dental, won employer of the year. Stable Court has been working with Bradford College for many years and are very supportive of apprenticeships. Despite how busy the organisation is, Nicola negotiates time for the learners to attend lessons and/or catch up where this hasn’t been possible. They have an open door policy when it comes to the assessor attending for observations/meetings. All staff in the practice work with the assessor at any time to arrange observations and support for the learners”. Kelly McAllister

Students received their awards from Bradford College CEO Chris Webb, with curriculum staff reading the award citations. Chris said:

“Every year I am astounded by the talent and commitment of our students – tackling tough challenges, and yet still proving themselves to be accomplished and impressive individuals. This year is no exception.  All our award winners have shown resilience in spades. I know that they will continue to make us proud as they go on to make a real difference to the communities and workforces in which they are employed and live”. 

Celebratory receptions in the College followed the award ceremonies for the winners, their families, tutors, and employer partners with canapes, mocktails and a festival theme and a DJ. 

If you’d like to join in next year’s celebrations, contact the admissions team and find out which course is right for you.

Visit us at one of our Open Events:


Degrees Open Evening

Progress to University-level study with Bradford College. We offer study from Level 4 to Level 7 with our Higher Technical Qualifications, Foundation Degrees, as well as Undergraduate and Postgraduate study.


Level 3 Open Evening

Whether you’re a School Leaver aged 16-18 or an adult looking to begin a Level 3 qualification, Bradford College is here for you. Join us on the 17th October from 5pm to 7pm to find out your study options with us.


Open Day

Join us on the 11th November from 10am to 3pm to find out your options for progression, at Bradford College, we will do everything we can to help you turn your passion into a profession.

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